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Thomas Bateman

How Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Shape Gastrointestinal Health

In a Northwestern Medicine podcast, Keith Summa, MD, PhD, assistant professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Northwestern Medicine, explores the intricate relationship between circadian rhythms and gastrointestinal health. Discover how disruptions in sleep and circadian alignment can affect metabolic processes, intestinal permeability and overall GI function. Dr. Summa also covers the latest research findings and

Vitaterna Appointed to National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) Committee

CSCB Deputy Director Martha Vitaterna has joined the NASEM Committee on Biological and Physical Sciences in Space. The Committee’s mission is to support scientific progress in space research in the biological, medical, and physical sciences and assist the federal government in integrating and planning programs in these fields. The CBPSS provides an independent, authoritative forum