The fields of sleep and circadian rhythms are poised to impact human health and disease, as evidenced by recent workshops organized by various NIH institutes. These workshops focused on the importance of circadian rhythm regulation and dysregulation (e.g., misalignment of circadian rhythms with the external environment or within the internal organismal environment) for the future of medicine. CSCB researchers were participants at the following NIH workshops:
NIDDK Workshop:
Circadian Rhythms and Metabolic Disease
“…no time to lose…”
April 12-13, 2010
NIMH Workshop:
Neurobiological Basis of Circadian Rhythms Interaction with Complex Behavior
July 22-23, 2008
The Sleep/Circadian Rhythm SNP Gene Array Initiative
Workshop to Consider the Feasibility of a Sleep/Circadian Rhythms Gene Chip
April 10-11, 2008
NIDA Minisymposium:
Understanding the Neurobiology of Drug Addiction by Studying Sleep Disturbances and Circadian Rhythms
November 5, 2007
NHLBI Workshop:
Circadian-Coupled Cellular Function and Disease in Heart, Lung, and Blood
September 20, 2007